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Fitness Classes

How the Program Works

ClaRoFitness has developed a program of classes where the three main fitness elements are incorporated and will allow you to obtain much faster and more effective results.  These elements are:  Cardio, Strength and Flexibility.  The Program offers classes that focus on these three areas.  Cardio classes will help you improve your respiratory vascular system, while helping you burn calories and lose weight.  The Strength classes will help you define and tone the body while reducing volume by burning body fat.  Flexibility and relaxation classes will allow the connection between your  mind and your  body.  That said, get to work, choose the classes at the time of your convenience but always thinking of including Cardio, Strength and Flexibility classes.  Click on each of the Programs that we offer, there you will find the description of the classes and the necessary equipment to start your routine.


Cardio Classes

Where you find all types of these classes like:


  • Zumba

  • Zumba Toning

  • FitBall

  • BollyX


Strength Classes

All types of Body Conditioning classes like:


  • 3Xtreme Boot Camp

  • Core Fit Ball

  • Body Pump

  • HIIT / Strong Nation

  • TRX

  • Bosu


[Claudia to add some intro text here]





Here you will find classes that help you with the stress and injury-recovery like: 


  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Barre Fitness

  • Foam Rolling Massage

  • Pop Pilates

  • TRX for Yoga

Special Workshops

The workshops are special classes that we offer so students have the opportunity to try another type of format, inject another type of energy to their body, and activate other types of muscles.  They also help to break the routine and motivate students, remove stress and depression.  One is offered each month at a special scheduled time.


  • How to Develop Glutes


How to Pick My Classes

What Classes Are Best for Me

These classes are all about isolating and working individual muscle groups, but there's a good emphasis on stretching and lengthening, as well.  The following questions will help you to find the right classes for you.



Goal: "I want get some cardio but I don’t have to run.”?
Try: Zumba, Strong Nation, 3Xtreme boot camp or Fit Ball

If you hate the treadmill (and the elliptical, and the pool, and the rowing machine ...) and you want to get your cardio from a class, consider a fun, fast-paced activity with a pumping soundtrack and an upbeat instructor.  Dance classes, like Zumba, can burn up to 400 calories an hour and will keep you engaged from start to finish.  Some classes use hand weights for an extra boost, like Zumba Toning.  You’re not going to get bulky arms carrying little baby weights while you dance.  But for people who don't like to run and who don't like to lift weights, either, this is a good way to get some of both.


Step aerobics, kickboxing/Strong Nation and can also provide the fast pace you need to keep your heart healthy, as can many boot camp-style classes.  Just be sure there's some emphasis on sustained cardio (with drills like jumping jacks, jump rope, or running) as well as on strength work.



Goal: "I want to firm up my trouble spots, fast."
Try:  Classes targeted at those specific body parts

Want to tone your tummy, lose your love handles, or sculpt your shoulders?  Look at these classes:  Core Conditioning, Body Pump, 3Xtreme Boot Camp


Goal: "I need something to help me relax."
Try:  Restorative yoga or kickboxing

Whether you're feeling extremely high strung or you're running on empty, exercise can be a great stress reliever, Strong Nation is a class where you pull up some stamina from your body and get a lot of Energy and release the stress.  If you're in the mood for something slow and relaxing, look for a Yoga class that focuses on restorative poses, breathing and meditation, like Crunch's R&R Yoga.  (Avoid Vinyasa or power yoga classes unless you want a real workout.)


Can't sit still long enough to savasana?

You may need a high-intensity activity, like 3Xtreme boot camp or Strong Nation, to help you work off your pent up energy.


Goal: "I want to look longer and leaner."
Try: Barre workouts or Pilates

A lot of strength training and core conditioning classes focus on crunching and shortening your muscles.  But if you want long, lean lines, you'll want to train like a dancer.  Barre workouts focus on stabilizing, lifting and lengthening, all the way from your head to your toes.

Pilates, similarly, focuses on the natural alignment of the spine -- you're more likely to work your abs by doing "hundreds" (in which your legs and arms are stretched out and off the mat) than you are by doing muscle-shortening exercises, for example.  It's also a more holistic approach than being in a boot camp class, with an instructor shouting at you to do 100 crunches.



Which kinds of classes have you taken in the past, and which are you anxious to try?  Do our suggestions match up with your experiences and your goals?  Let us know send us an email, and we definitely consider to add in our schedule.



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